Because I use my other blog for writing madness now, I need a new purpose for this one. That purpose is thus:
My projects. I'm quite enamored with the steam punk aesthetic, and as such will be attempting steampunk related projects.
My first project is nearly done already, adding some minor gear touches to my current pair of glasses (pictures to come). After this project I have a few more in mind.
Project Electronics Mods
1 - Four Way USB adapter
2 - USB Drive
3 - I-pod Mini + External CD Drive Mod
4 - Keyboard Mod
5 - I-pod touch cover
6 - Laptop Mod
Project Creations
1 - Medals
2 - Miniature Tophat
3 - Metal and Leather Goggles
4 - Working pocket watch (wind up movement)
5 - Full size leather tophat
Project Minor Modifications
1- Glasses * In progress *
2 - Hair Pins *Finished*
3 - Cell phone cover
4 - Leather bag
5 - Gear hair pin
So I've got two projects pretty much done and will work up to the others as I go. Luckily for the adapter mod, I only paid a dollar for them, and I bought two. I may go back for a couple more actually.
I think the most difficult modification (my laptop) will start when I put in my new laptop screen.
I'm hoping that I'll actually manage all of these projects to a finish. I really want to do all of them. And if I have to, I may start with my netbook laptop as a mod, seeing as it's dead without a new hardrive...