This time I am not pressing my political views upon you all. This time, I have an amusing story for you.
I set my shirts out to dry(we don't have a dryer here) after washing them, unbeknownst to me, the sleeve of one shirt was dragging on the top of a lamp...
Smoke and boom, shirt on fire. On the left, you can see the burned shirt. Yes, just the sleeve and no, it's not a whole lot of damage but still...it caught on fire.
Fire!Of course, the fire theme was repeated when our power went out...so we got candles, set a marshmallow on fire and sent up a prayer to a few pagan gods to put our power back on. (Yes, we did get power back later when our roommate came back and showed us where the third breaker box was. Yes, we had
three breaker boxes. Ridiculous.)
Anyway, I sort of set a receipt on fire. . . on purpose. I sort of burned myself a little and sort of scared Sophia dear. Who promptly yelled at me.
In other news, the universe has aligned and fate it seems
is on my side. I say this purely on the basis that...well...no. I can't tell you. I can't tell you because the person this refers to might actually read this and I'd rather not have them knowing...something.
Anywho, in about eight hours I hop on the first of five,
five flights. From Florence Italy, to Rome, to London, to Dublin to Chicago and at last to home. Where I will devour Chinese food, hug my family and distribute gifts. Woot.
And the best part? Sophia and I managed to share a room for four months and not kill each other.
Hugs to everyone. I'll post again when I've landed safe and sound. Unless I die in a plane crash...I don't really like flying...not at all.
Anywho. . . See ya.