Finally, we're wrapping up to half-term and a glorious break. Sure, I've got a chemistry exam before that can happen, but it'll be fine.
For starters, I now know how to properly bind a book in the Medieval fashion, as well as modern, Roman, Japanese, and American bookbinding techniques.
To the left is a modern bookbinding in-progress, modelled after the medieval style.
It's much further along now though, I've actually got the cover near finished and the paper has been glued into the cover. Hurrah!
Bookbinding is actually quite a bit of fun, despite having jabbed myself pretty well with the needle and bleeding on the book--which I'd been trying to avoid--and a few other errors along the way. But hey, it's a learning process. This is my first time doing this type of binding, obviously I'm going to screw up a few times along the way.
As for half-term, I'm headed to Dublin with Sophia. Hoping to see some movies, buy some books, maybe meet a favorite author of mine and of course, attempt to do some research. At the moment, my thesis paper is on the back-burner do to a difference of opinion as to what my thesis paper is actually about. That's fine though, I'll get it done. Besides, I've got schools to apply to.
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