That's right, it's weird, alot of earrings and paintings recently are coming out, pink.
Eh. Hardly matters. New earrings, new paintings up in my shop. Contests still running!
Almost done with that BJD head, waiting on feedback to finish lips and the eyes should be done today. If all goes well I hope to have her finished tonight, final photos taken and shipped to her mom tomorrow. Where I should hope to get finished photos of the doll!
Any who, things are still going about as well as can be expected. I'm broke, need money to pay bills(like rent next month) and to buy food with. My roommates shall be moving in soon, as my brother is moving out, and then it's painting time!
That's right, I'm painting the rooms of my house! Stairway, upstairs...etc. Downstairs is getting ignored because once I move out the ceilings are getting redone. Of course so is the the downstairs is being ignored.
OH! Belatedly, I was at the Raveler's meet up at Knitter's Connection in Columbus this past month! So many ravelers! It was fantastic, informative and lot's of fun to see all those people!

Went the next day for the market, bought nothing, but Sophia dear gave me the colors of yarn she didn't want from her grab bag! Love that girl. So I'm making some fingerless glove/mitten things out of this gorgeous brown/blue fingering weight. About halfway done with one glove as I'm sort of in the summer doldrums right now. Haven't even managed to finish Sophia's skirt. Although, admittedly, that's not really a surprise from me. For maybe six inches, it's supposed to be...oh, floor length. Eh...Maybe I'll get knee length out of it and be happy. I've got soooo much yarn for it.
Ah, and a picture of the doll head for you lot:

That's it for now, maybe I'll get proactive with my knitting. Maybe.