I know, two posts is one day, it's a shocker. But, I'm finished the BJD head! Yes, finished. Done. Shipping it out tomorrow. It's packed and labeled and ready to go!
I also made a little necklace for her, as it took ages longer to finish than I thought it would and I felt horrible. I ran out of spray fix and had to order more, which of course took way to long to get here.
Anyhow, I'm now accepting commissions for custom BJD faceups! That's right, I loved the experience so much I'm ready to do it again! I want to try some different things, face tattoos, vibrant colors etc. You want orange eyeshadow? I want to paint your doll!
Also going to take commissions to do body tattoos on the doll itself. I'm starting to make jewelry items specifically for BJD dolls, so if you've got something you want, talk to me and I'll see if I can help you out!
As always, I take commissions through my Etsy shop. Press the request custom item button!
Oh, that doll face w/o the eyes are creepy :)
ReplyDeleteThis is dkswife from the Rav Blog Train!