Over the weekend, there was what started as a peaceful protest in Lhasa, Tibet. This peaceful protest devolved and now there are sixteen confirmed deaths and eighty suspected by the Tibetan Government in exile. These reports are unconfirmed as no foreign journalists are permitted in Tibet and tourists have been expelled. Initial reports identified ten dead.
It is not clear exactly what happened. Innocent people died, of that I have no doubt, but as to who started it, well, it is known Chinese police did attempt to break up the protest, allegedly rocks were thrown and the police attacked by civilians. According to Chinese officials, these same civilians as well as protesters are responsible for thirteen innocent people's deaths and three protesters jumped to their deaths.
Of course, the only people that really know what happen can't tell us. China has blocked Youtube in an attempt to keep foreign news reports regarding the incident from it's people, as well as photos taken by people in Tibet from being seen.
My own feelings and opinions regarding Tibet aside, this is a tragedy, and those responsible for the deaths of innocent people are in the wrong here.
However, I cannot help to wonder if this could have been avoided.
May 10, China hopes to bring the Olympic torch from Mt. Everest. They are, of course, wary of more protests like the those early last year where protesters held a banner outside of the base camp.
They were arrested and later released.
Later that year, students unfurled a banner on the Great Wall, they were also arrested.
Some German athletes are considering not attending the games after the events of this past weekend, I have to say I can't blame them.
It breaks my heart to see violence in a country with a leader that wishes for peace. I should hope that any violent protester's take the Dalai Lama's words to heart and try to remain non-violent in the face of the world. Show China you won't change for them.
This is why I want to support the 198 Countries Peace Project, because Peace might be a pipe dream, but I'm going to keep smoking it.
(I don't smoke by the way, it's a figure of speech)